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coloured rolled figure glass

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 12:59 am
by peter cummings
I've had what seems to be called rolled figure glass on a shelf for years. One side smoothish, the other patterned from a roller. Green, yellow and purple pieces. From windows and doors, it's beautiful glass. I'm thinking of slumping, light and easy, but unsure if the colour will hold. Has anyone experience or is it try a small bit and see. Thanks guys and gals.

Re: coloured rolled figure glass

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:30 pm
by Judd
This is stained glass window glass, not fusing glass?

If it's stained glass window glass, who knows? Many times they will strike to a Poop Color that NO ONE WILL BUY or WANT!!!

But, hey, experiment. Throw a small slice in the kiln when you do your next batch and see what happens.