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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 2:38 am
by Kitty
i just got a bunch of stuff for my annual renewal of my health insurance policy, and included was an ad for something that may be of interest to those of you looking for coverage. this piece of paper says "Nationwide Healthcare Savings Program, The Total Care Program, $69.95 a month per family, blah blah blah, .... affiliated with one of the largest PPO Networks of Doctors .... "

the piece of paper doesn't have a phone number on the mainland ... it only mentions the phone number of the organization i belong to. here are my organization's contact numbers and email:


so, you can shoot them an email and ask if they have a 1-800 number for this outfit. the ad says it's available in all 50 states. this organization i belong to, LISH (Legislative & Information Services of Hawaii) is not a fly-by-night group, so it makes me think they must have checked this thing out before sending info about it out to their membership.

please understand that i do not know what this health plan is. it's not the one i have, but i thought i would post this and anyone interested can follow up on it on their own.

good luck. if i can offer any additional info, you can contact me on or off the board. kitty.