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Stained Glass Warehouse

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:46 pm
by meltdown
I may be in the wrong section, but here goes......Has anyone tried to get in touch with Stained Glass Warehouse in Asheville in the last few days? I have tried calling them with no answer, and their website will not come up on my computer....I have used it before so I know I have the correct one...Any suggestions?????

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:08 pm
by Ross
I received an email from them last week. Their "internet warehouse" is provided by Yahoo. Apparently Yahoo had some sort of error and corrupted their stuff. The email stated that it would be a week or so before they would be back up again. They suggested that people call.

Staiined Glass Warehouse.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:44 pm
by Robert Cohen
I received an email from them today stating that they are waiting for Yahoo to get them back online.

I see that you are in North Carolina. They are located in Asheville, just off Airport Road. If you are near Asheville you might try going over there or calliing them at 828 650-0992.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 8:32 am
by meltdown
Thanks ya'll......I will try calling them...I am really too far away to go....

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:48 am
by Msveedub
I just got off the phone with them, turns out that Yahoo "accidentally" deleted over 4,000 pages, and they estimate the website will be back up three weeks from the incident (11Nov). Stained Glass Warehouse is apoplectic and are putting up a temporary website in the meantime:

They have a programmer working around the clock to build pages, but all the inventory is not there. If there's something you want, just list it in the comments part of your order, and it will be added. Also, you can call them at the number already posted.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:40 pm
by Robyn Alexander
An email update was received 11/24 @ 8:19am ...

More news from Stained Glass Warehouse..............

Web Site online again ----- well sort of.

TEMPORARY WEB ADDRESS Please "bookmark" this for future use. Use
this web address to get to our temporary web site. There are slightly over
700 pages there, which is a far cry from the 4,300 we had before our site
went down. We expect to add about 150 pages a day as long as we need to.

It gives you a way to order online from us until the Yahoo fiasco gets taken
care of. You may also use any of the old Stained Glass Warehouse email
addresses to contact or use the same toll-free number shown at the bottom of
this page.

Anything that we carry. Not everything will be online, just essentials.
But you can add items not online in the "Comments" section. We will then
update your invoice and email a copy back to you. Also this site will grow
quickly to its original size -- should be completed by Christmas.

I think all of you know that it was "accidently" deactivated by Yahoo on the
11th. Yahoo expected to have it back it within 5 days. Then it was 10 days.
This last Friday (day 10), yahoo told us it would be more like 3 weeks.
Very frustrating!!!!

Just in case, we decided to get proactive and rebuild the site under a
different web name (All Stained Glass). We cannnot use the Stained Glass
Warehouse name since it will be in limbo until Yahoo decides what they are
doing or can do. Simply put, All Stained Glass is the temporary web site
for Stained Glass Warehouse, Inc. If it turns out that Yahoo cannot
reactivate our site, we will then transfer the Stained Glass Warehouse name
and URL to the temporary site.

Please bear with us in these difficult times. We are here to serve you the
best we can. For us, this is a temporary set back. For you, it can also be
frustrating. If you decide to buy elsewhere, we understand. No matter
what, however, we will be back in another month stronger than ever!

Thanks to all of you who have called and/or emailed. Your loyalty,
suggestions and concern keep us driven and optimistic. As always, we are
always glad to hear from you regardless of what you have to say. We listen,
we learn, we benefit, you benefit.

Happy Thanksgiving!! I can smell that turkey and pumpkin pie already. We
will be closed Wednesday noon, Thansgiving Day and Friday, except for the IT
crew, who will be working 7 days a week until this is concluded.

The Glass Crew at
Stained Glass Warehouse, Inc.
(866) 616-7792 (9am-4pm EST, Mon-Fri)