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Evernote filing tool

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:02 am
by Mark Wright
For the computer savvy a sales pitch for Evernote.
I just started learning and using Evernote and I love it. It is an organizational tool to file anything in "YOUR" notebooks and be able to search them. Very flexible. If you try it be sure and also download the the "web clipper".
I was just reading the posts on
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when Brad came back with the archive file on Ron Coleman's fused glass boxes, I clicked on the link to pull up the page, I then clicked on my web clipper button and the web page along with the URL is now in my FUSED GLASS notebook. I can see it anytime I want without having to remember where I saw it.
A great tool. Also if you get a referral from someone they give you the premium version. The basic program is free. I think I paid $45 for a year of the premium. The premium has a few extra bells and whistles.

Re: Evernote filing tool

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:31 am
by Corlette M
Thanks for the "web clipper" suggestion. I have only been using Evernote for a month or so, and have also found it very helpful. I love that it can sync between a home computer and smart phone so notes can always be accessed. Hope everyone has a great weekend :)