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Pin stuck in glass

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:29 pm
by Pat K.
Hi all,

What's the top temperature I need to go to get a pin that fell from the lid and is stuck in my glass. I really don't want to go to the top temp as I have already fired this piece twice so far. It is a pot melt which actually looks pretty; the second firing was to 1500 to even it out as my kiln wasn't level :oops: It's right on top and I should be able to grab it with needle nose pliers fairly easily. Thanks for all of your suggestions in advance.


Re: Pin stuck in glass

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:45 am
by Marty
Reaching in and grabbing it at 1500 is dicey. Even if you managed to snag it, you'll be left with a divot that won't heal without further attention, like coldworking and re-firing.
I'd cut my losses and cut the thing up, working around the pin.
Then make another (after leveling the kiln and checking the pins).

Re: Pin stuck in glass

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:44 am
by Sharol
Hi Patty.

I had a pin drop into a combing once. It hadn't sunk too far into the glass and I was able to successfully drill it out. It was a last ditch effort to save a piece I had invested many hours in and otherwise would have tossed as a total loss. I used a Dremel with a fine bit and lots of water. After I got the darn thing out (took some time), I filled the depression with frit and refired hot enough to flow and smooth out. Since the composition was loose and abstract, the fix was not noticeable, except to me of course ;).

The problem with trying to pluck it out while firing is that you will likely be messing with it long enough to drop the temp dangerously low. It's also really tough to get a hold of it and pull it out. I've tried it before and ended up dragging the pin and making more of a mess.

Good luck!


Re: Pin stuck in glass

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:03 pm
by Pat K.
Thanks, Sharol and Marty. I couldn't get the pin out when refiring, so I used my dremel yesterday. It came out fine. I now have it back in the kiln -leveled :P and covered with fine frit to fill in the divot. Hopefully, it will be okay. Thanks for your suggestions.
