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Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:19 am
by PDXBarbara
Anyone using Anonymizer?


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:38 am
by Bert Weiss
[quote="acrawford"]I have had a Mac for 3 and a half years. Viruses? Never! My answer to the issue is to give Gates the gate and get a Mac!

Have any of you Mac users had viri?

Always curious, Ailsa[/quote


I have had a virus on my Mac. I ran Norton antivirus and found it. It was several years ago. The viruses running around the internet these days do not run on macs.

Many graphic arts comanies share discs and a virus on one can infect other computers.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:38 pm
by Gale aka artistefem's a strong bet that the Spyware company has it's own tracker. But if it does, I'll take it. The difference in how my computer is behaving and running after using the spyware program is like night and day. The key to this software is to frequently check for their updates to stay ahead of the next evolution of trackers, etc........

No matter how careful you are about downloading, if you're out surfing the net, you're gonna pick up these creepo wake riders when you click into the sites where they are mining.

Makes the case for taking the computer offline (forever) that you use to run your business or home accounting programs. Now what about banking online? Do the banks provide unhackable transaction and monitering area vaults? NOT yet!

If this invasion of personal computer territory scares you, then take a look at this:

Hmmmmm - done in the name of national defense? The trouble here is that I can find good points to support in both sides of the argument.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:43 pm
by acrawford
Hotmail let me know that this topic was continuing and in their brevity called it Unclean, uncle. now that really is a virus! Ailsa