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You show me yours ...

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:08 am
by Larry Lunsford
Its been kind of quiet here the last few days.

I really enjoy seeing other peoples work. :)

You can see my latest humble attempts at my www. They do look better in person than my feeble photos.


Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 9:45 am
by Jackie Beckman ... 223099e4c3

Some are quite redundant, and others I've shown before, but once uploaded to my picture site I can't figure out how to delete the extras. Just change the slideshow setting to faster . . .


Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 10:13 am
by Ann Demko
Jackie, What a show fabulous!!! Thank you. Ann Demko

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 10:15 am
by Haydo
Why not show some oldies? These five are from the last three years working with the basics and am comfortable showing. I'm hoping to have more images to show as I crank up my new studio(3 pieces in various stages).
We've got a house/studio warming in just over a weeks time so I've got to lift my game. You can check it out at - Haydo

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 12:11 pm
by The Hobbyist
Jackie, I love the blue background piece and the black & white is stunning.

Thanks for posting them....................Jim

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 9:17 pm
by Jo Holt
Jackie Beckman wrote: ... 223099e4c3

Some are quite redundant, and others I've shown before, but once uploaded to my picture site I can't figure out how to delete the extras. Just change the slideshow setting to faster . . .

Great work and texture! But, you had me scared - thought my monitor lost its colors for a minute :lol: The black and white was a neat surprise - surprises are good.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 12:32 am
by Jon Wunderlich

Thanks for the show!!! Your style is so unique, I always enjoy seeing new and old works. I would use the word consistent instead of redundant though.


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 10:27 pm
by Ron Coleman
Haydo wrote:Why not show some oldies? These five are from the last three years working with the basics and am comfortable showing. I'm hoping to have more images to show as I crank up my new studio(3 pieces in various stages).
We've got a house/studio warming in just over a weeks time so I've got to lift my game. You can check it out at - Haydo

Enjoyed looking at the glass pieces, I go for the Yearning and Feeding Universe.

Looks like your new studio and house are ready to go.

Enjoyed seeing the pictures of all the construction. Framing techniques look about the same as we use.


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 12:02 am
by Jim Wixon
Very strong graphic design. Thanks for showing your work. What are the basic sizes ?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:32 am
by Barbara Muth
Jackie Beckman wrote: ... 223099e4c3

Some are quite redundant, and others I've shown before, but once uploaded to my picture site I can't figure out how to delete the extras. Just change the slideshow setting to faster . . .
Jackie, I love your pieces and am fascinated by how you hung the black and white one. I am assuming wood painted black. How is the background piece attached to the wall? Is it screwed into studs?


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 4:36 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Thanks for the nice feedback - always a good gang around here for that. :)

Jim: Funny that you mention the blue piece. I'm not much of a blue lover - (well, I love the deep cobalt) but due to a mix up I have oodles of Egyptian Blue and figured I'd use some up. Really though I'm not as thrilled with that piece as some of the others. I was hoping for more deliniation between the strips to break up the solid looking background field, but was lazy and didn't test. I know better. Oh well - lots of other people like blue . . .

Jo: Nothing wrong with your screen - every now and then I do something like this to remind myself how to make a piece that doesn't rely on the color for all the punch. Few and far between though, huh?

Jon: Consistant was what I was hoping for with this body of work, but I used "redundant" because there are too many shots of each piece and once uploaded I couldn't seem to figure out how to delete the extras. But thank you. :)

Jim: The sizes are pretty varied. Some are as small as 12" squares, others as large as 23". There are also long and narrow, short and wide, etc. There will be some even longer and narrower ones after today when my roll of new thinfire gets here - like 40" x 10" and a few new multi-panel pieces too, with each of the components being fairly small but mounting up wall sized.

Barbara: The mounting on the one you speak of is powder-coated aluminum. We drilled and tapped holes to make it screw together for easier shipping. After shipping those "Sunnyside" people to Portland last year, I swore I'd never do anything that couldn't be easily taken apart again. Its mounted to the wall with a french cleat at the top and bottom of the piece.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:08 pm
by Larry Lunsford
I've made a few more pieces and added some more pics since I first posted this message.


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 1:23 pm
by Kitty
HAYDO - i like Cane Fire. is that enamels?
is sugar a crop where you are living?