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Am I wrecking my shelves?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 11:19 am
by Lorelei
When I clean off my shelves I do it with sandpaper and water. I run the hose over them as I sand.

Am I ruining the shelves by getting them so wet?
I usually dry them off in the kiln at about 500 degrees for 30 min. and then leave them overnight to prep the next day. Is any of this harmful to them?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 1:23 pm
by Ron Coleman
What you are doing really won't cause any problems that I know of, but it sure has to be a mess and very time consuming. You might try a razor blade type paint scraper form the hardware store. Kilnwash scrapes off easily if its only been fired a time or two.

Scrape all the old wash into a pile and then dump it in the trash. I like to clean the shelf after scraping with a piece green "Scotch Brite" and then vacuum off all the dust. Ready to go in just a few minutes. The razor blades last forever if you turn the scraper over once in a while.


Ps The more I think about it, you may eventually build up mineral deposits on your shelves by washing them all the time. Since you can't wipe off all the water each time you wet the shelf, over time minerals from the water that evaporates may build up in the ceramic body of the shelf. Don't really know if this is good or bad.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 1:51 pm
by DonMcClennen
My kiln wash comes off efforlessly(?) using the edge of a piece of scrap glass on the dry shelf. I estimate I spend 30 seconds cleaning each shelf. It seems you are creating a big job out of a simple task.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:19 pm
by rosanna gusler
i do the glass scraper too, outdoors and let it fall into the yard. it is just inert minerals. when your yard is 6.3 feet above sea leval (at the high spot) you take your fill where you find it . lol. rosanna

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 7:26 pm
by Carole Burton
I use a new sharp 3 inch paint scraper and let the wash fall onto several pieces of newspaper, fold paper and into the trash. Works great and fast.. An old brush gets rid of the remaining dust. I always clean shelves outside.

Rosanne like you any landfill is valued. I'm 17 1/2 feet above sea level but after 25 yrs here and many cats it is probably higher now due to recycling kitty litter. I work small so don't guess the small amount of kiln wash would make that much difference. Keep your head down, hurricane season is here.

I question washing shelves with water have never known anyone to wet shelves to clean them. no scientific facts.
good luck. carole.....S.C.