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Air Brush recomendations

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:06 am
by Lauralei
Can you share recomendations for air brush brands? I want to use it primarily for spraying mica powders and enamels?
thanks !

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:58 am
by robertb
Hi Lauralei, I recently purchased the aztec as suggested by Avery Anderson have not used it yet .

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:22 am
by Pat Loboda
I plan on buying an airbrush soon, and I would also buy the Aztek, as recommended by Avery. In addition, I would buy it from Brad Walker - his price is hard to beat!


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:22 am
by Lauralei
I thought I read somewhere that she had recomended that brand, but I couln't find it in any archived posts.. Can you tell me what model you got? thanks

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:35 am
by Carol
Aztec 4709

Did you look in the old Archives? There's tons of info in there.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:47 am
by Brad Walker
The Aztek that Avery uses and recommends is the Aztek A4709. It's a top of the line model and the only one I carry or sell:

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:00 pm
by robertb
Brad Walker wrote:The Aztek that Avery uses and recommends is the Aztek A4709. It's a top of the line model and the only one I carry or sell:
That's the one I have :D

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:56 pm
by charlie
Brad Walker wrote:The Aztek that Avery uses and recommends is the Aztek A4709. It's a top of the line model and the only one I carry or sell:
not to anger the board moderator, but they come up on ebay a lot. i managed to get a brand new one for about $60, but i had to participate in a LOT of auctions to get one at that price. the only thing is that it didn't include the videotape that is supposed to come with it.

there's not too much risk that you can receive a broken one. the manufacturer has a lifetime guarantee on them. if it ever doesn't work, you send it in and they fix/rebuild it for free.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:04 pm
by Brad Walker
$60 is a great price, Charlie, and less than I pay for them as a distributor. And you're right about the lifetime guarantee, it's a great feature.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:22 pm
by Don Burt
I saw in an airbrush magazine that aztek was making a metal-bodied version of the 4709. Sort of an upscale Delorean version.

I love my badger 100LG for glass paint. I have a aztek 4709 too that works fine for most things.

aztecs and kiln wash

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:24 pm
by Carol
Do y'all use your aztecs for spraying kiln wash? I sprayed a ss bowl using the coarsest tip in the kit and it seemed to plug up a lot. I mixed the kiln wash thinner than usual. Any thoughts?

Re: aztecs and kiln wash

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:27 pm
by charlie
Carol wrote:Do y'all use your aztecs for spraying kiln wash? I sprayed a ss bowl using the coarsest tip in the kit and it seemed to plug up a lot. I mixed the kiln wash thinner than usual. Any thoughts?
yes. thin it more than usual, use higher pressure (i use 80-85 psi), and i use the white tip. different tips have different shaped or size orifices.

Re: aztecs and kiln wash

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 5:06 pm
by Don Burt
Carol wrote:Do y'all use your aztecs for spraying kiln wash? I sprayed a ss bowl using the coarsest tip in the kit and it seemed to plug up a lot. I mixed the kiln wash thinner than usual. Any thoughts?
I tried spaying kiln wash with my el cheapo Paasche external feed. It sprayed-on, but it resulted in a wierd surface texture. Comparable to good watercolor paper. It was ceramic-store-bought kiln wash. Looked like the droplets dried before they hit the shelf and sort of dusted it, but the coating doesn't fall off. Kind of micropebbly (hey I like that word ...(tm)).

Do you kiln wash sprayers usually get a surface as smooth as with a haik brush?

Re: aztecs and kiln wash

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:44 pm
by Ron Coleman
db wrote:
I tried spaying kiln wash with my el cheapo Paasche external feed. It sprayed-on, but it resulted in a wierd surface texture. Comparable to good watercolor paper. It was ceramic-store-bought kiln wash. Looked like the droplets dried before they hit the shelf and sort of dusted it, but the coating doesn't fall off. Kind of micropebbly (hey I like that word ...(tm)).

Do you kiln wash sprayers usually get a surface as smooth as with a haik brush?
I'm using an airbrush for kilnwash and you do get a grainy texture like fine sand. You can rub it smooth with your palm if you want a finer finish.

Better than a brush finish? Maybe not, but no brush marks. Not nearly as fast either, considering the cleanup time. So why do I spray? I like the grainy finish.


Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:17 pm
by Tony Smith
I use an automotive detail gun for spaying kilnwash... it works great but you have to deal with the overspray.

For spraying micas, I use the top of the line Aztek, the bottom of the line Aztek and a couple of different Badger siphon airbrushes... they all do a good job, but I really like the Azteks because you can spray straight down with them.

The bottom of the line Aztek is about $100 cheaper than the top of the line, but takes a little getting used to. It's just a single action and not as ergonomically designed... but it uses the same tips and bottles.


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:32 am
by Al Bray
Not sure if you have a Michaels Arts & Crafts Crafts in your area or not....But this past Saturday I was shopping at the one here in Lansing Michigan and was surprised to see that they had the Aztec A4709 Clearanced out for 60.00. I couldn't believe my eyes and thought for sure it was a different model and didn't pick one up.

But after remembering this thread and confirming the model number, I think I am going to go back this afternoon and pick one up so when I get to the point of trying enamels and micas, I will have it available.

- Al

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:05 am
by Tony Smith

I saw the same model on clearance here in Massachusetts... they must be eliminating that model from the chain.


Even Lower Price on Aztec Air Brush

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 2:42 pm
by Al Bray
Tony Smith wrote:Al,

I saw the same model on clearance here in Massachusetts... they must be eliminating that model from the chain.

Today I went back to pickup the A4709 kit from Michaels before the three they had last weeksold out. Fortunately, they had one left and it was marked down even further...$40.00. The complete brand new, never been opened kit for $40.00. What a deal!

Now to find some enamels that I can use with System 96 glass..

Re: Even Lower Price on Aztec Air Brush

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 4:20 pm
by Bert Weiss
Al Bray wrote:
Tony Smith wrote:Al,

I saw the same model on clearance here in Massachusetts... they must be eliminating that model from the chain.

Today I went back to pickup the A4709 kit from Michaels before the three they had last weeksold out. Fortunately, they had one left and it was marked down even further...$40.00. The complete brand new, never been opened kit for $40.00. What a deal!

Now to find some enamels that I can use with System 96 glass..

Any enamels that are finely ground will fit on system 96. The enamel layer is so thin that compatibility is not an issue. Float 90 or 96.

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:00 pm
by Lorelei
Michael's stores are liquidating their stock of Azteks and selling them off at $40. One girl says she even got an additional price reduction at the counter and ended up with a $20.00 price tag. I got mine for $40.00 last week. Scoot out to your local Michael's and be sure they look in the back room. That's where they found mine after they'd said they didn't have any.