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OK - Nobody's talking - Someone spill the BECon stories . .

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:21 am
by Jackie Beckman
I just got back from licking my "I can't go to BECon wounds" at our cabin up north, expecting to see thread after thread about what's going on in Portland. Nothing. Bubkis. Someone needs to talk - and soon would be good.

How was the Legacy reception? Did everything look beautiful? (it must have - but I want details) Actually, a description of every piece there would work nicely for me. And pictures. I would also like pictures. Oh, and clothes . . . I'm always interested in outfits - anyone match their glass? And after. What did everyone do after? And the actual conference. How was it? Was it fantastic? Again, I'm sure it was, but I want details. And the BBQ on the Lehr, and the tour of the construction site, and the classes, and EVERYTHING. I want to know all about it. Did anyone make sure Doc Steve ate lunch? Inquiring minds want to know . . . Someone spill it - I can't take it anymore . . .


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 2:22 pm
by PDXBarbara
Yo Jackie.... First of all... lovely work in the Legacy show. I would NEVER have guessed it was yours....
Precise, small, monochromatic.... no blatatnt trademark "Jackie" cues... the vivacious colr, dancing shapes (not just figures either), generous proportions.... Yow. It ain't easy to push in directions away from our natural inclinations like that. Kudos.

I think folks are probably in classes, traveling, or just plain weary today. I know I slept from 11:30 last nite till 9:30 this morning and I'm groggy.

I need to go back to the Legacy show--w/out the crowds--to get pix and actually LOOK at the stuff. Cool show... love the concept too.

Conference was invigorating. I'll be writing it up for by the way, & possibly other spots.

Panelist mixes were pretty good... included our WG friends such as Steve Klein & Judith Conway, people I'd only heard/read about previously such as Rudy Gritsch & thank goodness for iconoclasts like Henry Halem to keep the stew from solidifying into a nicey-nicey congealed yawn.

The Lehr-B-Que was yummy. We went to the factory for the goodies right after the health-&-safety presentation which has most of us feeling like we were probably gonna die within a week. MMMMMM... Love that chicken with a bit of fiber sprinkled on top for nuance.... No really, it was great. Steve & Jonathon entertained w/ rollups.. booze was free... good company... etc.

New resource center: still a huge bare space.

No more time now, Jackie... but i'm sure there'll be lots of informative posts.


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 2:26 pm
by PDXBarbara
PS...Sat with doc. steve at lunch 2X.... seemed fed & healthy.... !

Re: OK - Nobody's talking - Someone spill the BECon stories

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:42 pm
by Paul Tarlow
Jackie Beckman wrote:I just got back from licking my "I can't go to BECon wounds" at our cabin up north, expecting to see thread after thread about what's going on in Portland. Nothing. Bubkis. Someone needs to talk - and soon would be good.

How was the Legacy reception? Did everything look beautiful? (it must have - but I want details) Actually, a description of every piece there would work nicely for me. And pictures. I would also like pictures. Oh, and clothes . . . I'm always interested in outfits - anyone match their glass? And after. What did everyone do after? And the actual conference. How was it? Was it fantastic? Again, I'm sure it was, but I want details. And the BBQ on the Lehr, and the tour of the construction site, and the classes, and EVERYTHING. I want to know all about it. Did anyone make sure Doc Steve ate lunch? Inquiring minds want to know . . . Someone spill it - I can't take it anymore . . .

What she said :)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:25 pm
by Robin Z

Robin Z averytiredoverinfo'dzombie :lol:

ps. Loved your work Jackie =D>


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:54 pm
by Steve Immerman

The meeting was incredibly interesting and informative. The Legacy exhibit was very nice, and of course, your piece generated much interest.

Here are Doug and Avery marvelling at your work:


And Brock, examining it more closely:


Lots of information and lots of laughs. Of course, we missed you.



Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:37 am
by PDXBarbara
I'll post some legacy pix as soon as I figure out how, Jackie...
Went back to the gallery today and shot eveything.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:20 am
by Jackie Beckman
Steve - thanks so much for posting the pictures! You always have your camera in just the right spot! Avery looks beautiful, as usual. And Brock, he's not marvelling, I guarentee it. I know exactly what he's examining so closely there - but that's why I'm just the "student" and not the "mentor" . . . good news is, I have since gotten the right tools to fix that little flaw, Brock. I have a picture of Brock doing that exact same inspection of a piece over at Lani's - I bet he couldn't find a flaw in that one!!

Glad to know someone was on "lunch patrol" for you Steve. If you would be so kind as to send me a CD with the rest of your pictures I'll send you a prize. I have a growing collection of S.I. Photography CDs I'd love to add to.

And Barbara, the same goes for you too. Thanks so much for the rundown on the fantastic weekend. It sounds like it was just too much fun! I think a little fiber with the chicken sounds delicious! And thanks for the compliments too, although I'm still having a little pity-party about that piece being in the show. Every now and then I like to make something that doesn't rely on color for all it's impact and it gives me a chance to use Fr. Vanilla, which I love, but that piece wasn't intended to go to Portland. The real "Jackie" piece with the dancing shapes and colors (can I use that? :wink: ) broke on the way to the show :-({|=

Thanks everyone for the little rundown - naturally, more is welcome. This was a "reader's digest" version though, but better than the info I had (read none).

Pouting Less Now

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:42 am
by Barbara Muth
Jackie, while you may be having a pity party, I am celebrating the fact that you sent in that piece. I very much liked seeing the distillation of your dance of shapes and colors. When I looked at it up close I saw what I had not seen in the images online, that not only had you removed the color, but also the placement of all of the pieces was more controlled and rhythmic than I have seen in other pieces. While your color pieces may be symphonic, this is no less rhythmic. In fact, I think the elimination of color allows the music to come through.


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:03 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Barbara Muth wrote:Jackie, while you may be having a pity party, I am celebrating the fact that you sent in that piece. I very much liked seeing the distillation of your dance of shapes and colors. When I looked at it up close I saw what I had not seen in the images online, that not only had you removed the color, but also the placement of all of the pieces was more controlled and rhythmic than I have seen in other pieces. While your color pieces may be symphonic, this is no less rhythmic. In fact, I think the elimination of color allows the music to come through.

Wow - thanks Barbara. What kind praise! You are correct in that the elements are far more controlled and planned in a piece like this. Don't get me wrong - I do like it, I just miss the spontaneity, and vibrancy and energy when I do a more subtle piece like this. One thing I've never been accused of is subtlety. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:04 pm
by Phil Hoppes
To All...

I saw both the black and white piece and the unfortunate colorful one that broke on delivery and they are both, with out a doubt, spectacular. We need to now elevate Jackie to that upper stratospheric title of "Famous Jackie". She truly deserves it. Way to go Jackie. Keep that glass cook'en

Phil =D>

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:20 pm
by Jackie Beckman
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: - (only if I can hire you, Phil, to do all my coldworking)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:40 pm
by Tony Smith

I would think that with all of the 110°+ temperatures that you've had recently, that coldworking (and any other playing with water) would be a welcome activity...


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:05 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Tony Smith wrote:Jackie,

I would think that with all of the 110°+ temperatures that you've had recently, that coldworking (and any other playing with water) would be a welcome activity...

Well, that was true last week Tony, when it was 118 on my patio. Today however, we're back down to 107 - practically a chill in the air! :wink: Really, I like the coldworking, I'm just not nearly as good at it as Phil. Recently though I finished a multi panel piece which required hours and hours of coldwork and I could be finally catching on -- I'll get there . . .

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 8:41 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Glad to know someone was on "lunch patrol" for you Steve. If you would be so kind as to send me a CD with the rest of your pictures I'll send you a prize. I have a growing collection of S.I. Photography CDs I'd love to add to.

Steve, Steve, Steve - You are the best!! Got a CD full of fun in the mail today! Thank you so much!! You are just super! It was great to see all the pictures from not only Legacy, but BECon and the BBQ and loved those ones from the Roll Up demo. (Wouldn't that be fun to play with!?) Pilchuck is gorgeous, and yes, we need to go there - you may need to go on ahead without me though - I think I've got a few years before Morgan can be mommy-less for that long. Your entire vacation looked marvelous - I would have loved to be packed along in a spare suitcase for that trip. I'll be sending you a prize very soon -
Thanks again-

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 10:48 am
by Lani McGregor

Add another "STEVE!" to that cheer... the Doc is one incredible photographer.

The pic he took of his son at the gallery during LEGACY (behind an architectural piece) was one of the best I've ever seen for "people and glass"... did you get it?

I'll try to get it posted on our site later this week, but in the meantime, maybe Steve will put it on his own site?....


Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 11:40 am
by Jackie Beckman
Lani McGregor wrote:Jackie,

Add another "STEVE!" to that cheer... the Doc is one incredible photographer.

The pic he took of his son at the gallery during LEGACY (behind an architectural piece) was one of the best I've ever seen for "people and glass"... did you get it?

I'll try to get it posted on our site later this week, but in the meantime, maybe Steve will put it on his own site?....


Yes Lani, I did get that photo - amazing! I knew about Steve's photography ability, and that's why I offered a prize to get more! Don't some people just make ya sick with their endless talent? Glass . . . photography . . . oh yeah - surgery too. Sheesh! (And the funny thing is, he needs a reminder for something simple - like lunch)

Have fun in Scotland! Another Steve for you to enjoy- how fun!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:08 pm
by Lani McGregor
Jackie Beckman wrote:
Have fun in Scotland! Another Steve for you to enjoy- how fun!

Not only a Steve (Klein), but also a Catharine (Newell). We'll all be on the High Road to North Lands in the Highlands ... for a class with Kirstie Rea.

It's a terrific program:

I'll try to take some pics, but doubt they'll be of the calibre of Ansel Immerman.....


Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:21 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Lani McGregor wrote:
Jackie Beckman wrote:
Have fun in Scotland! Another Steve for you to enjoy- how fun!

Not only a Steve (Klein), but also a Catharine (Newell). We'll all be on the High Road to North Lands in the Highlands ... for a class with Kirstie Rea.

It's a terrific program:

I'll try to take some pics, but doubt they'll be of the calibre of Ansel Immerman.....

Oh that's right! I forgot Catharine (Tiger Woods) Newell was going to be there too. Steve told me about that class - I'm drooling! Are you taking it as well???????? We talked about the caliber of the talent of students in that class, but he never mentioned what a fun group as well - hope you have a blast!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 6:16 pm
by Steve Immerman
Thanks guys.

Here's the photo Lani mentioned.


A few more photos at this link:

Gotta go. Forgot to have lunch......
