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Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 9:42 am
by Larry Lunsford
I just had my first art/craft show last weekend. Sales sucked (but they sucked for everyone else too).

After reading the debate over wether or not to put carpet in you booth, I decided to give it a try (got a $30 area rug at Wal-Mart). Best I can tell, I was the only booth (out of 150 or so) to have any flooring.

I don't know that the carpet helped my sales at all, but it certainly didn't hurt any. The booths were setup in the street (black asphalt) and I think the carpet helped keep the temp down. A friend with her Siberian Husky came by. The husky gave the carpet a big two paws up - didn't want to leave and go back onto the asphalt.

For a hot, dry show it was definately a good idea. We'll have to wait and see how I feel about it after getting it wet.


Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:05 am
by rodney
did anybody trip as they entered your space, that could end up being a nightmare


Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 1:15 pm
by Terry Ow-Wing
I have carpet with the ends taped down with duct tape - mostly it's for me. It really helps my own feet not feel so tired after a show on the asphalt. Even at indoor shows with conc. floors I always have a carpet down.
-Terry O.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 2:14 pm
by Carolyn Ledbetter
I use those interlocking foam mat squares. It it definitely easier on the feet and legs. I have also witnessed a piece "jump" off a shelf, bounce, and land in a customer's arms all in one piece. So the flooring paid for itself very quickly.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 3:45 pm
by kelly alge
I use the foam mat puzzle squares with an indoor/outdoor gray carpet on top... I agree w/ it paying for itself in saved pieces. Another great investment in my booth was a small Yardbirds painted giraffe sculpture... I keep it tucked away until I see kids coming in, then I amaze them with it. That has surely saved a few pieces that may have otherwise fallen into 4 year old hands! Gives the parents some time to look too.