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re-use glass

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:27 pm
by Kay McConnell
I'm new to fusing - have only fired up my kiln twice. My last attempt was to see what would happen w/ non-fusible glass slumped over a ceramic mold. I did lots wrong, and the piece is awful - but it's a learning process! It is a dark hunter green (I don't know the manufacturer). As it was a single layer, it is paper thin at parts, and way too thick at others, where it pooled. It also has devit on it. Can I reuse this for anything? If I fused it on just the shelf, would it go flat again? What about the devit?
Thanks for any advice you can offer. I hate to think of all the money I'm wasting in this learning process!
Rushsmom (AKA- Kay) :?

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:39 pm
by rosanna gusler
go to the tutorial at the top of this page and read it. then get brads book. you will be glad you did. rosanna

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 5:00 pm
by Jane Lindell
Many types of ordinary "stained" glass are prone to devit. It will not go just disappear in a second firing.

If you slump the piece back on to a flat shelf the thick and thin spots will still be there. If the shape (sides) of the bowl are very steep, it may not lay back down evenly either.

What temperature did you fire to and for how long? Next time you will want to consider using an anti-devit spray and also firing slowly to a lower temperature. The lower temp you slump at, the less devit will happen and the slump will be more gradual and even.
