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Electric Glass Cutting Saw????????

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 3:46 am
by aussiebooks
Anybody know if there is such a thing as a glass saw that will cut very thin strips from slabs of fused glass?
I have fused 3 layers of glass, then dragged them whilst hot, into great swirls, and now I want to cut thin strips of glass and turn them on their edges, and then fuse them again.
I don't want to do it by hand, because the glass is VERY strong and thick and slippery, and I am afraid of breaking of pieces of it.
I am wondering if a circular diamond Lapidary Saw would do it? :?:

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 7:16 am
by Tony Smith
A lapidary saw may do it, but you might have a problem getting enough stroke. those are usually set up to do short lengths. another alternative would be a glass bandsaw set up with a guide.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 9:00 am
by Mark Hughes
Yes, the Revolution saw from Gemini will cut very thin consistant slices from your pattern bars. It will also cut curves. On the down side it is very expensive. :roll:

Electric Glass Cutting Saw

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:36 am
by Alecia Helton
What you want to get is the Inland 10670 Tile Saw. It comes with a 7" diamond blade for about $200.00, if I remember accurately. The water reservior is another $12.00 or so.

It cuts straight lines in fused glass for about half the cost of a ring saw and is much faster than a ring saw. But is not powerful enough for pattern bars.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:27 pm
by aussiebooks
Hi again, and thanks for all your suggestions :)
I think I want a circular blade type arrangement, which sounds like the Tile Saw you mentioned.
BUT what do you mean by "not powerful enough for pattern bars" ?
Will it happily slice through 3 layers of fused glass?
I did actually see my hardware shop here in Australia the other day, and he said a tile saw would definitely NOT do the job! Maybe he doesn't have any experience with glass though.
I wonoder if any lapidary saws are made to cut through big logs of petrified wood or something like that?
Thanks again, and I hope I get some more helpful suggestions :)

Electric Glass Cutting Saw

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:56 pm
by Alecia Helton
Yes, the Inland tile saw will easily cut through 3 layers of fused glass. I'ved done it plenty of times. I frequently make earrings in strips, cut them apart with this saw, then fire polish them. No problem.

Pattern bars are often an 1 1/2 inch thick. That is too thick for this saw.

You can find out more about the saw, including pictures at

Hope this helps.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:18 pm
by aussiebooks
OH - THANKS Alecia :)
I will try and get one in Australia - but will find all the details at the site you mentioned. Our electricity is slightly different to yours, so we can't just buy something in the US and get it sent out here :(

I am really EXCITED - thanks again so very much :)

Re: Electric Glass Cutting Saw????????

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:38 pm
by charlie
aussiebooks wrote:Hi,
Anybody know if there is such a thing as a glass saw that will cut very thin strips from slabs of fused glass?
I have fused 3 layers of glass, then dragged them whilst hot, into great swirls, and now I want to cut thin strips of glass and turn them on their edges, and then fuse them again.
I don't want to do it by hand, because the glass is VERY strong and thick and slippery, and I am afraid of breaking of pieces of it.
I am wondering if a circular diamond Lapidary Saw would do it? :?:
how thin is thin? a tile saw is what you're looking for, but it'll be hard to make a cut thinner than 1/4" without a great deal of care since the strip would be a bit fragile.

take some samples and talk to a local tiler, or someone who manufactures solid surface granite countertops.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:05 pm
by aussiebooks
1/4" is about what I want to do.
That's a good idea to see some tilers and some kitchen bench blokes - I will do that today. Thanks.