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Re: New Panels

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:18 am
by twin vision glass
Dear Sheila and Barb, thankyou for those kind words. I would love to pursue a Gallery in the U.S. again and am going to pound the pavement I think and look for one in the Portland area as it gives me a great reason to travel there .I love Portland.
Now that my twin and I have stepped back from teaching we are now attempting to focus on our work again and enjoy the glass and the creative spirit. We LOVE to experiment and try new things and come up with new ideas :idea: and ways to work the glass into hopefully a flowing and inspirational piece now and then and am VERY excited to keep experimenting with texture and colour transition.
I love what my girlfriend is also doing (she has a lovely studio in my home town and is opening the gallery) and I am trying to create something different and it is good to watch her as I try very hard to come up with a new approach. I was sooo blessed to learn from the best (Klaus Moje) many years ago and it has influenced me ever since. I am sooo excited to maybe see his show again in Porland. It will be my dream come true. Les

Re: New Panels

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:47 am
by Deb Lewis
I always enjoy seeing how you utilize pattern bars, strips and bits of this and that to create "living" pieces.

I do worry though that you are using tape (!) to hold a heavy piece of glass in it's temporary frame while photographing! :lol:

Re: New Panels

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:17 pm
by orittlandau
Dear Les
What a nice family u have :)
from so far away i can see the beauty of your land!
Through your work .. your stories.. the Rocky Mountain ..
I travell Canada with you:)
Thank u for sharing all this beauty

Re: New Panels

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:51 am
by peter cummings
Really a wow factor there. I'm fascinated by the way our local surrounds and personality come out in our work. That picture against the mountains made me stare at the tall piece in particular and see where you're coming from, literally.Wonderful, and thank you.

Re: New Panels

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:15 am
by twin vision glass
Well thanks to all who enjoy our beautiful surroundings as much as I do. In all parts of the world there is unique environmental inspiration. We cannot help but be influenced by the spectacular mountains, rivers and lakes, just as you are influenced by flowers and pieces you carve Peter. . Les

Re: New Panels

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 12:13 pm
by Haydo
I'm really drawn to the white Zen garden type section in the tall piece. If you could manipulate this to however you wanted it, I wish I could afford one. I also have a passion to shape steel, it must have something to do with heat being involved. This being said, you need to find a new skill or collarborate with someone who can meld a stand to suit each piece. It's after 2am and I've just got back from the restaurant after removing a great, friendly drunken mob so I hope straight to the point doesn't offend. - haydo

Re: New Panels

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:51 pm
by twin vision glass
Not at all Haydo!!! This has always been my major problem.I am the first to admit it. I live so far away from the city and to get a stand (or even new clips soldered onto the tall stand you see here) (which is not finished yet ) and I tried to say this in the beginning of the thread but sorry I was not more clear #-o ) it will cost me $100.00 just for the clips to be attached. Ughhh! $200.00 a stand for me is just out of reach, so I have to try to purchase ones that are reasonable and then change them is more affordable for me almost. BUT I would LOVE to find a place where the stands are made to our specification that are reasonable . I wish I could take a welding course and I would be sooo happy to create the metal tooooooo. My next life I think though but never say never. I respect your opinion very much. Any ideas on nice metal stands in Calgary anyone. Les