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old kiln need help-to poor to buy a new one

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 9:31 am
by tattooedpanda
:D can anyone help me out I have just got an older blu diamond kiln that I really would like to try to do some fusing and slumping in , can anyone tell me what cones I will need to do this. I have a pyrometer and this old kiln has a kiln sitter on it so I think I would just watch the temp and shut it off when it reaches as certain point. If I can get this kiln to work I would like sometime to find a temp controler for it or find out how to make one. Please email me with any helpful information at thanks, Andy (tattooedpanda) :?:

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:56 am
by Claudia Whitten
Sounds like you are ready to fire. As long as you have a pryometer you can as you say watch the temp and shut off when there. I fire with a ceramic kiln, using a pryometer. You will have to set your pryometer. Place a cone 019 in a clay wad at a slight angle. When the cone bends, but before it is flat, adjust your pryometer temperature indicator needle by turning the set screw on the front to indicate 1333 degrees F. This info came out of Glass Fusing Book One, so if you need more info you can refer to that. I hope this helps you and have fun fusing.......Claudia

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:47 am
by dave laporta
I use a blue diamond ceramic kiln and just a few months ago I was asking the exact questions you are. I chose to go ahead and purchase a remote controller from CDV and have been very happy with the results. My reccomendtion is to do the same, you won't regret it.

If you have any other questions with your kiln or to share firing schedules etc., I'd be happy to help.


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:55 pm
by rosanna gusler
hi andy, get some cones a hundred deg or so hotter than you intend to fire. use them as overtemp protection in your sitter if you intend to fire by pyrometer. rosanna

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:00 pm
by lohman
Spend the extra $ on a controler. You won't regret it. I started fusing in a ceramic kiln with just a Dawson kiln sitter and the two viewing holes. I under-fired and over-fired a lot of glass. When I bought my Denver kiln with it's set point controler my life changed: The quality of my glass improved, I am now able to reproduce firing schedules for all the types of glass I make and what's more I get better sleep! If a firing gets started late in the day I'm not up all night making adjustments.
Buy the controler.