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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:03 pm
by Lisa Allen
I just pulled this piece out of the kiln last night and was getting it ready to clean it up and noticed some small internal fissure looking things. The pics are blurry but I think that the fissures will be visible. They are not able to be felt as a crack from either side of the piece. There are about 5 of them across the piece under each pink section in the clear. Again, none can be felt only seen. Is this just an optical thing or should I refire and try to be more conservative with my anneal?

My schedule was
200dph to 1000 hold 10 min
400dph to 1500 hold 30 min
9999 to 960 hold 2hrs 30 min
60dph to 700 no hold

the piece is 1/2 inch thick


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:08 pm
by Brock
It's worth a try Lisa, but I think you're looking at incompatability.
Your schedule is fine, conservative even.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:09 pm
by Jackie Beckman
Are you sure those are cracks and not tiny slender little bubbles? It's hard to see in the photo what they are exactly, but your schedule sure seems fine. I've had long thin little bubbles in the past that I thought were cracks too at first, but maybe yours really are - just can't see them well enough to tell for sure.


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:23 pm
by Steve Immerman
This reminds me of the problem I had earlier this year that we discussed on this thread: ... read=79181

The consensus was that is was an incompatibility related to the pinks and cranberries.


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:03 pm
by Lisa Allen
Steve Immerman wrote:This reminds me of the problem I had earlier this year that we discussed on this thread: ... read=79181

The consensus was that is was an incompatibility related to the pinks and cranberries.

Well, that would make sense, because the fissures are in the clear but eminate from opaque pink and trans pink striker. But they are so tiny. I like jackie's thought so I am going to pretend that they are long bubbles! Until of course they run and split the piece...... I tile sawed the edges and sandblasted it today hoping to stress it a bit and the fissures are the same size, still not feelable with the fingernail/exacto test either. It is in the kiln now for a matte finish. So if it makes it , it is moving to the next level.
