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Nickel-Iron glass compatible alloy

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:28 pm
by Hugo Gavarini

Have someone heard about this alloy?. It was designed to fit soda-lime glasses. I thought it would be of use in warmglass creations. Below this I quoted some links for what it's worth. Seek for Alloy 48 ... ilomag.pdf

A known brand is NILO ALLOY 48 code UNS K94800. It's 48% Nickel 58% Fe. COE (20°C-300°C) --> 87.

Re: Nickel-Iron glass compatible alloy

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:37 am
by Brian and Jenny Blanthorn
Hugo Gavarini wrote:Hello,

Have someone heard about this alloy?. It was designed to fit soda-lime glasses. I thought it would be of use in warmglass creations. Below this I quoted some links for what it's worth. Seek for Alloy 48 ... ilomag.pdf

A known brand is NILO ALLOY 48 code UNS K94800. It's 48% Nickel 58% Fe. COE (20°C-300°C) --> 87.
No not heard of it

I wonder wheather it is a cold assembly type of thing

Rather like lead came is

There is a big problem with this kinda industrial stuff U often can only get it it U buy a ton or so

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:34 pm
by Hugo Gavarini
Hi Brian,

It's not a cold stuff but a special alloy designed to fit Soda-Lime-Silica glasses. It's for glass-to-metal seals. And yes, here in Argentina you have to buy a full spool of wire. I thought that up-there it would be easier to get two or three feet and try it in the kiln. According to the specifications it sounds a promising material.

Eureka? - Light bulbs lead-in wires

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:13 pm
by Hugo Gavarini
I think I have found that darn wire. Each incandescent light bulbs has two lead-in wires to feed electricity to the tungsten filament. According to

these wires called "Dumet" should be compatible with glass (light bulbs are made with 90 COE glass). The wire composition is nickel-iron with some coating to improve sealing. More info on Dumet wire:

Well, Dumet wire is not exactly the same as Alloy48 but I think these are very interesting metals. I wonder whether I should take a hammer and go for a 150W light bulb to extirpate the lead-in wires and see... I'm affraid Graciela would defend it.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:22 pm
by Bert Weiss

I'll take a guess and say that maybe it is the wire used to make wired glass. If you could get some, it might make interesting art between layers of glass.

I have seen wires fused between glass that were less than aesthetically pleasing. Figuring a technique to do that and get a nice look would surely be interesting.

Thin copper works. Heavy copper does not.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 6:29 am
by Brian and Jenny Blanthorn
Hugo Gavarini wrote:Hi Brian,

It's not a cold stuff but a special alloy designed to fit Soda-Lime-Silica glasses. It's for glass-to-metal seals. And yes, here in Argentina you have to buy a full spool of wire. I thought that up-there it would be easier to get two or three feet and try it in the kiln. According to the specifications it sounds a promising material.
If U can use the correct words sometimes U can get a free sample

Do not use words like I am poor give me free stuff

Something like

I work on large artchitectural commissions using fuzed glass and I am researching new materials

Ur Aloy 48 sounds realy interesting 4 my application

Could I get a small sample from U 2 try

Some 20 years ago I wanted some tungsten carbide rod

After a lot of research I found a company

Called em up

I said please could I have some 2mm tungsten cardide rod

They said certainly how many tons did I want !!

Eventually they sent me some free samples

I am still using thrm today
