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Just a funny!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:08 am
by Christyn Mattson
Hi, everyone! Wasn't sure if this was the right forum but here goes!
I just recently opened my first retail warm glass store. Had a lady come in the other day, breathless and agitated. "Do you have any feathers?" she asked as she burst in the door. (it was hard to keep a straight face!)
"I'm a glass store" I replied. "yes, I know, but we have a Thanksgiving recital at the church and we put feathers in our hair when we sing!"
Long pause................ "No, I'm sorry, no feathers." (Did she think I would make them out of glass?)
"oh, I thought maybe you would. Okay, thanks." She left. That one will not be forgotten!!!!!


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:04 pm
by Geri Comstock
LOL. Just when I thought I'd heard's a new one.

Now I'll be wondering all day about the significance of the women putting glass feathers in their hair when they sing at church on Thanksgiving.

I guess it's destined to be one of life's great unsolved mysteries.

Laughing -


Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:25 pm
by Marty
Maybe the pastor takes his flock seriously.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:03 am
by Nancy Juhasz
Well I have one just about that good that was asked of me today while setting up for a small one day show tomorrow. A guy saw my wine bottle cheese plates and asked how I did them. Since I believe that education is good I told him that I put them in a kiln for glass and ramped up to about 1450 degrees and then ramped down. I didn't go into all the steps since I figured he wouldn't understand. His reply was oh you you use those bottles that have plastic in with the glass so the melt flat. I see. Trying to keep a straight face I said not plastic bottles glass bottles, plastic would make a real mess in the kiln. He said well evidently you don't know all glass bottles these days have plastic in them. I jsut said oh and went back to setting up. I had no come back and knew I wasn't gonna win this one.