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rolling bottles and chunked shelf

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 9:04 pm
by Jeri D
:( Well I flunked the first bottle attempt. How do you stop the rolling(mine oozed over dam) and i now have a glass dustpan where one rolled 1/2 over the side.
I guess i figured you should do same type of bottle together, they slumped differently and joined so i think cracks came from incompatability.

See, I got to learn a lot at once!!![/b]

2nd problem is one took a little piece out of my shelf. Can I and how do I repair it.?
Jeri, retaking bottles101

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:35 am
by Diane
I've had bottles that want to roll from time to time and I just put a SMALL wedge of fiber board under the base, just big enough to stop the roll and not leave not big of an indent.
If you are doing bottles with painted surfaces, you'll want to make sure you have SEVERAL layers of kiln wash on your shelf. The paint will pick up the wash (and part of the shelf if it's not thick enough) when it's all done. I've started dusting my shelves with dry kiln wash to get extra firings out of them since I do so many painted bottles. It's a pain in the &$@) to recoat them everytime.