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Need your thoughts

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 12:55 pm
by Christyn Mattson
Hi, everyone! I'm attempting to post my first photo so bear with me if this doesn't work.
I've been with this board quite a while but have never posted a photo partly because I'm chicken, and partly because I didn't know how. So here goes.
I need your expert critique on my technique, execution and photo quality. I'd like to use this as one of my entries in our local juried art show. Let me know what you think. I need the feedback, good, bad or ugly! (Well, maybe not ugly, :wink: (The upside down wire thing behind is the holder)


Need Your Thoughts

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:34 pm
by Alecia Helton

I like your piece. It has an interesting design and good mix of colors.

I'm not the best person to comment on jury slides. I thought the digital photos/slides I took of my work were great, but I wasn't getting into the good shows. My acceptance rate increased significantly once I bit the bullet and had professional slides made of the same pieces!

I'm sure there are others on the board who will be able to give you more subtle comments, I haven't learned to recognize them yet. Here's what I did notice.

The hanger showing through the transparent glass will be considered a negative by a professional jury. A good photographer will find a way to hide the hanger. I don't know their secrets, but they have them.

Almost all the jury slides I've seen have grey to dark grey backgrounds, again I don't know why.

There appears to two reflections on the top of the plate, I believe photographers use backlighting to avoid reflections.

When I started applying to shows (just two years ago), I was confident I could produce my own slides. I now ship everything to an excellent and reasonably-priced craft photographer in Florida. He's able to capture dichroic on film in a way I didn't imagine possible and is worth every penny in increased acceptances.

Good Luck,

Re: Need your thoughts

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 2:08 pm
by Bert Weiss
Christyn Mattson wrote:Hi, everyone! I'm attempting to post my first photo so bear with me if this doesn't work.
I've been with this board quite a while but have never posted a photo partly because I'm chicken, and partly because I didn't know how. So here goes.
I need your expert critique on my technique, execution and photo quality. I'd like to use this as one of my entries in our local juried art show. Let me know what you think. I need the feedback, good, bad or ugly! (Well, maybe not ugly, :wink: (The upside down wire thing behind is the holder)


I think that your slide should work to get you in your local juried show. It is not good enough to get through a tough national competition like ACC. There is too much glare. Some highlights are good and show dimension and sparkle. Too flat an image is also a problem. I think you need to find the middle ground. Try moving the lights around until you get the "right look".

I think I like the wire holder as it gives the viewer the fact that the glass is transparent. I would not have guessed that without that clue.

I think that using the description "pattern bars" on your website is not so good. It is very descriptive to other glass artists, however probably useless confusing info for everybody else.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 5:12 pm
by Kim Bellis
Would you mind sharing the photographer name, phone or email address? I am in Florida and also looking for someone who has experience with taking pictures of glass.

Need Your Thoughts

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 1:16 am
by Alecia Helton

I'm happy too, but will need a few days. I'm still recovering from a hard drive failure last month. I had been lax about backups, lost almost everything. I need to look up his information from invoices and haven't gotten around to it yet.


Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:42 am
by Kim Bellis
No problem, whenever you get around to it!!