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MK-101 Multilube bearing replacement

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:35 pm
by will asay
After years and years of working very well, the table on my MK-101 became difficult to slide on its rail, it was nowhere close to being as smooth as it once was. It got to the point where the saw became unusable. I found the part online and ordered it from MK Direct. Two dollar part and it takes two. They arrived today and I set about putting them in. I checked the fit on the rail prior to the install and it slid like the puck on an air hockey table--but after installation its diameter seems to have become compressed and the rail no longer fits. The fellow I spoke with at MK Direct assured me that all MK-101's have the same table parts. Any suggestions on how to properly install these things? These bearings resemble bushings, are pink/orange in color and are made from some non-metalic material. Believe me, your help with this is very appreciated.