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Re: Square/Squareup Credit Card processing

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:43 pm
by Laurie Spray
When the square transaction goes thru and is authorized you no longer have a record of their credit card number. If they enter an email address to get a receipt you no longer get that either. ( which is a shame)
Any credit card transaction can be reversed by the owner of the card. Not just with square. It really is a great system and customers love it. It served me well today at our open studio!!

Re: Square/Squareup Credit Card processing

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:01 pm
by Terry Ow-Wing
Kevin Midgley wrote:.....The other issue with having someone's numbers is credit card security. I don't want someone's cc numbers. Then nobody can say I was the source where their cc was compromised.
The bigger the sales transaction, the bigger the risk of chargeback especially if the 'purchaser' thinks they can readily resell/flip your items into cash.
I currently do everything with the old knucklebuster way so I do have the customer info. THis come in handy if you have a chargeback - having the signiture with the zipcode. I get a feeling that upfront the square and other services say there is no way to charge a later charge but in reality these situations do come up where you do not have service.But you can still punch in at a higher rate. I have a fundraiser that is in a basement and I'm sure there will be some problems. Wish things were simpler so it looks like I'll be changing merchant services but I can't totally putaway my knucklebuster.

Thanks for all the imput :mrgreen: