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kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:13 pm
by Chelseaglass
I searched "kilnwash stainless steel" and did not find the information I am seeking however, I did discover that I should not have purchased ceramic floral formers.... Never really was interested in making these but have a request and realize they sell out at the local glass store!

If I do not have an airbrush set up, what is the best way to kilnwash stainless steel? Do I heat it in the oven or with a hairdryer first and use a brush?


Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:23 am
by Marian
Heat it in your kiln to 550-turn off kiln, pull the hot mold out carefully with pliers. Lay it on a drop cloth that won't burn or melt to catch overspray. a couple wood or kiln brick bits will raise the mold off the surface. Spray on Bullseye kilnwash with a hand held spray bottle with a fine mist. Practice first- you only have a few seconds before the mold cools. It will spit and steam but it cools down after 2 or 3 three spritzes. Put it back in the kiln and reheat back up to 550. Repeat this 4 or 5 times. If you spray too much too fast, the kilnwash just runs off and leaves bare spots that will stick to the glass and make cracks. Then you have to carefully respray that area. Another helper to raise and lower the kiln lid is welcome. A brush is too coarse. Or- they say boron nitride is a good separator, too. There must be more info in the archives on this.

Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:59 am
by bob proulx
I first sandblast then use a hand held plumbers torch to heat the mold, apply wash and reheat till dry. Repeat 4 times, you mold is ready in about 5 minutes.

Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:21 am
by rosanna gusler
i use a heat gun to heat and spray with a critter brand spray gun. rosanna

Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:56 am
by Chelseaglass
Thank you for the information. I have a hot head torch set up and never thought of using it to heat the form.

Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:43 pm
by Marian
Torch on it! Great Idea!

Re: kilnwashing stainless steel floral formers

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:27 am
by Lia Howe
I use methyl hydrate and kiln wash. Coat the mold, place it on a kiln shelf. Close all containers of methyl hydrate ( very flammable fumes) Light the form from the bottom and watch it dry instantly. Don't touch again or you will remove the perfectly smooth application of wash. I use Bullseye Pink Wash, love the stuff.
I know some will say this is dangerous, but so is taking a hot mold out of kiln. OUCH. Stainless is hot. PLUS this method satifies my pyro needs. I also blow glass so hot is fun. Just be safe about this and it works great.Lia