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Kiln Resin on side Of kiln?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 5:49 pm
by Tyler Frisby
Picture attached of what Paragon describes as Fire Brick Resin

Anyone ever seen this before ?

The kiln (GL44ADST) is about two-three weeks old when I took this picture. They said they would'nt help me but the kiln is firing fine just not too prrty to look at. I was originally concered about rust, but they told me not to worry about that. They are awesome at Paragon, and I especially like they're accents.

Webshots link. ... 3334IuwzGN

Thanks, Tyler :D

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:40 pm
by charlie holden
It is probably sugar. Lots of refractories, especially fiber boards and papers, use a sugar binder that is burned out at about 600 F. Smells sweet whene fired. I haven't heard that it is used in fire brick, but maybe so.

In one of the pictures you can see the corner of the fiber board of the kiln lid has a dark brown band. That's where the board got up to 600. Outside that band the sugar didn't get burned out because it didn't get hot enough.

It should wipe off with a damp cloth.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:23 pm
by Ron Coleman
Another thing it might be is condensation stains from moisture. If you dry kiln shelves in the kiln it may cause moisture condensation stains around the lid. The moisture evaporates quickly once the kiln heats up but it can leave a stain.

I see this on my kiln frequently. If you dry shelves this way, be sure and prop the lid open an inch or two to vent the moisture.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:06 pm
by Tyler Frisby
Thanks guys, it was driving me crazy wondering what that stuff was, I say it again, thank got the United States military released the Internet onto us glass lovers to make this board.