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Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:40 am
by Janet McFadyen
I saw an interesting film called Degenerate Art and Culture on netflix last night ...... shows the glass pipe movement in the US. It showed making torch glass pipes and art pieces (that happen to be pipes) I didn't like most of the designs, but some were very nice especially near the end of the film... still thought it was a good interesting film... lots of viewing artists making the work. Bandhu Dunham was in it. Janet

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:47 am
by Judd
I love the term "Degenerate" in reference to art and culture. Whose opinion of "degenerate?" (Janet, I understand this was not your term, and probably not the intent of the film maker, yet have seen that label thrown around and find it offensive. No slight to you.)

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:24 pm
by Janet McFadyen
Judd it is the name of the film/video. it's a really interesting story on the beginnings of the movement ... when the US government shut the biggest makers down by arresting and charging them and how it has gone completely underground again... the film/video said there are more than 50k (way more) pipe flame workers in the US.

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:55 pm
by Morganica
It actually originated with Nazi Germany--the Nazis banned most modern art as a product of Bolsheviks and Jews, and seized thousands of artworks (they also frequently punished the artists). They toured a big exhibit of the "worst" of it as a training device for the public (or maybe as a warning), and called it "degenerate art."

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:17 am
by Judd
Yes, I know that. Perhaps because I live in Arkansas, perhaps because I have been called "degenerate;" whatever the case, the very fact that we have to produce a film to defend art - that bothers me.

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:31 pm
by Morganica
Judd wrote:Yes, I know that. Perhaps because I live in Arkansas, perhaps because I have been called "degenerate;" whatever the case, the very fact that we have to produce a film to defend art - that bothers me.
Well, in many cases we're defending it from fine artists, too, which is kinda sad.

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:05 pm
by Julie Wiedemeier
Thank you so much for pointing out this film. My 13 year old son is very interested in flameworking. I've been reading some flamework sights to try to educate myself and they have been an eye opener for me! Even though it's still glass, it seems to be a totally different world and this film sums it up very well. My son is going away to a two week summer art camp ( in MA for flameworking and glass blowing. He's never been exposed to this type of 'counter culture' before, he's homeschooled and smoking and drugs aren't even on his radar. I'm not sure if he'll be exposed to this type of counter culture at camp but the film gave us some good points to talk about. Hopefully now that he has seen this film, he has a broader perspective and isn't quite so naive. I know if he continues flameworking, especially since he seems to prefer working with Boro, he'll have more exposure to this world.

Re: Degenerate Art and Culture

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:25 am
by williamslaybaugh
It was a good movie definitely worth watching, but that whole I make a boat load of money but all I want is to be taken seriously as an artist got a bit thin for me. If you want to be shown in galleries, why not make art that's shown in galleries? If you're making illegal pipes and hiding behind concept, form, and design you're not defending art you're defending smoking in a pretty package. It's like saying that strippers are performance artist. When did our counter culture get so wimpy and caring for the acceptance of the mainstream. I can't wait to see what they do with Degenerate Art II sex toys.