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Dyson Shelves

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:47 pm
by Laurie Spray
I have had a Dyson shelf for many years and LOVE it. I have been told that Euclid Pottery in Canada has the same shelves. Theirs are from China…..I thought Dyson was from England. …….can anyone verify if they are the same> I am getting a new large kiln and would like the shelf to get here at the same time!!!

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:45 pm
by Rick Wilton
IPS is the maker of the "dyson" shelves as IPS bought out Dyson. They have offices in England as well as China.

My guess is that they are made in China, and that the shelves Euclids sells are the same as the Dyson, IPS shelves.

IPS Ceramics | Category: News | Jan 2009

IPS Ceramics Ltd is pleased to announce its Management Buyout (MBO) of the former Dyson Group business, Dyson Thermal Technologies Kiln Furniture. This MBO, concluded on 23 December 2009, includes the existing order book, manufacturing and intellectual properties associated with the Company’s whole kiln furniture range (one of the largest in the world) and global agency agreements.

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:32 am
by twin vision glass
I love my new large Euclid Extruded kiln shelf . It is alittle thinner than the older Dyson Shelf but although it is 40 inchs long and 20 inchs wide I can still lift it in and out myself. I am really happy with it. I am off to Uroboros for 12 days in Feb. and have very lovely Dyson Shelves that I leave there and really love them very much. BUt the question you asked is that I am really happy with my shelves from Euclid. Les

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:28 am
by Laurie Spray
Thanks Rick and Les
Got a hold of them. Les...thanks for telling me the shelf is lighter. I love my original Dyson shelf and I would have been immediately been disappointed when the. euclid was delivered had you not told me. If it performs as well lighter will be better! New big kiln, new shelf.....what could a be better way to start 2014!!! :D

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:56 pm
by Kathy K
Does anyone still have initial firing directions for a Dyson shelf? Have one still crated up that I will be opening soon. Don't know what I did with the instructions that Dick sent to me.
thanks in advance!

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:00 pm
by Laurie Spray
How big is your shelf?

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:41 pm
by twin vision glass
I believe if you ask Euclid people they will tell you. I did mine at 50 deg. F. per hour up to 1550 F. but I am always tooo careful but at least it is safe. Cannot hurt anything that is for sure. Les

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:48 pm
by Laurie Spray
I do not remember prefiring.......but probably did......

Re: Dyson Shelves

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:03 pm
by Kathy K
I honestly don't remember what sizes it came in (and it is still crated). I bought it so it would fit in a Skutt 1414 so whatever size that is--maybe a 24 x 36 or 42? May end up making a couple of smaller shelves out of it when I open it up and we get 220 in the garage (been waiting awhile) :(
Just thought I would ask since the topic got raised. I can check with the other company too so thanks for that suggestion.