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Twisted Fiber Rope - Can it be reused?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:01 pm
by Deive Butvila

I can't find any info on whether or not twisted fiber rope can be used more than once. After one firing, can/should I soak it in kiln wash or primo primer to be sure?

In general I am having a difficult time understanding when any release agent should be reapplied to the fiber kiln shelf, to molds, etc. How can you tell?

Since I never fire directly on the fiber kiln shelf I am confident it is ok to reapply kiln wash only after 10 firings. Slumping molds - I take off old and apply fresh primo primer after every slump.

Thank you!

Re: Twisted Fiber Rope - Can it be reused?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:59 am
by Bert Weiss
I use fiber rope over and over. Eventually it loses strength and breaks apart. I like to run mine through some powdered alumina hydrate. This makes it reusable over and over, regardless of what temperature I fire to. Kilnwash contains Kaolin, which after a quartz inversion, can leave scummy marks on subsequent firings. Alumina hydrate is the other ingredient in kiln wash. This is not a problem with alumina.

I have some stainless steel rings inside which I like to fuse large frits in to circles. I line the ring with powdered fiber rope, and I can re-use it many times. The rope is a good shape for not creating needles around the edges of the glass.

Re: Twisted Fiber Rope - Can it be reused?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:25 pm
by Deive Butvila

So much useful information in your reply!
Thanks for sharing both personal knowledge and technique.
