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Still another Float Glass Question

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:25 pm
by Valerie
I did not do anything such.
I dumpster dove a nice piece of 1/4" float.
Cut out 1/8" fiber paper pine trees ect.
spritzed on some borax and slumped.
500 dph to 1200 hold 20min
afap to 1450 hold 20 min then annealed
when I opened the kiln it was perfect..sorta :shock:
It was crystal clear!!! where is the beautiful pale green
I associate with fused float?? now I guess I will sandbalst
the front and slump for the matte finish Drat!
I want that pretty pale green color ](*,)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:28 pm
by charlie
it may not be standard float, but something else, like starfire.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:18 pm
by Ron Coleman
The green color depends on the glass and mostly on the thickness. Most of the pieces I've done from 1/4 inch float only show color on the edges.

Thicker sections and edges will give you more color and another trick is to give the back a texture to help scatter light.

I recently fused some 1 inch square bars of float and they have a kilnwash finish on 3 sides. They glow GREEN in the right light. If sun shines on an end they really glow, about 10 inches ling.


Re: Still another Float Glass Question

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:33 am
by Bert Weiss
Valerie wrote:I did not do anything such.
I dumpster dove a nice piece of 1/4" float.
Cut out 1/8" fiber paper pine trees ect.
spritzed on some borax and slumped.
500 dph to 1200 hold 20min
afap to 1450 hold 20 min then annealed
when I opened the kiln it was perfect..sorta :shock:
It was crystal clear!!! where is the beautiful pale green
I associate with fused float?? now I guess I will sandbalst
the front and slump for the matte finish Drat!
I want that pretty pale green color ](*,)

Taking the glass out of flat usually accentuates the "greenness" It sounds like you got a colorless float like Starfire or Optiwhite...

just knew you would know

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:07 pm
by Valerie
I guess when you dive for stuff
you get what you get
1 more is a rectagular shape
that I want to slump in a circular mold
less than 1/4" hangs over the edge on all 4 corners
if I ramp up then slump below 1200, will
the center drop enough so that the corners
don't grab over the edge?? gonna sandblast
and want the tm matte finish

Re: just knew you would know

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:26 am
by charlie
Valerie wrote:I guess when you dive for stuff
you get what you get
1 more is a rectagular shape
that I want to slump in a circular mold
less than 1/4" hangs over the edge on all 4 corners
if I ramp up then slump below 1200, will
the center drop enough so that the corners
don't grab over the edge?? gonna sandblast
and want the tm matte finish
it will almost probably be ok, but no guarantees. btw: failure could crush your mold if it's not steel. damhikt