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[color=red]Patty Gray's sink class at Studio B in Seattle -

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:16 am
by badlab
Here is my critique on this class....

8-[ At first...we were a bit misled about the content....which was a very, very, good thing.....THIS CLASS WAS NOT ONLY ABOUT MAKING COOL SINKS and keeping them and the molds, it was about:

:D - Having every piece of commercial grade cold working equipment at our disposal....and having instructional use on how to safely operate this equipment and being able to get a feel of whether this was something we would want or could use in our own studios.....

:shock: - One massive kiln, one semi massive kiln and about four other ones spread around the place at our a glory hole, vitragraph (sp?) and a sand blaster for any type of experimentation the students wanted to do...

\:D/ - BUT WHAT I MUST POINT OUT IS THAT>>>>From day 1 the first question from Patty was...."O.K. Gang what do you want to do? Let's experiment.....and if you don't know how to do something we'll show you". From pulling stringers to using the glory hole to learning hot combing techniques to using the sand blasting equipment to using gold and silver leaf techniques to creating pattern bars and cutting them to deploy in other projects to using lava cloth and on and on and on and on.....and gee...yeah...we did manage to squeeze the sinks in as well....

[-o< - Donuts in the morning....lunch on the grill....and other stuff that's bad for you.....also plenty of Canadian beer....

8) There were also a lot of cool chicks around....really....they had feathers and everything.....about 8 of them......and they ate anything you drop on the ground....

End of Critique.....


Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:30 am
by M.L.
Your assessment is right on. For those who didn't get to do the class, I truely hope you get to in the future. But David, how could you leave Peaches out of your assessment, the two of you had such a bond.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:13 am
by badlab
Howdy Mike,

My omission of Peaches was due to the fact that Rebeca scolded me for trying to incorporate her into one of my kiln castings.....she didn't think that the burnt "kat" effect would do much for the final product....


Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:29 am
by Becky Bergsma
Ahem... that's Mister Peaches to you

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:42 pm
by badlab
:badgrin: My sincere apologizes Becky...I should have just generalized my term for a "kat"....and used the catchall phrase...."FLEABAG".