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Super Spray Problem

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 9:30 am
by Lauralei
Hi All,
I checked the archives... and found alot about the firing temps for Super Spray - but thought I'd check anyway ..
I had 3 ,7" tiles with some devit, and a few flaws, ground off. One 13" plate undergoing it's 3rd firing ( little devit on the center white circle no problems with the gold/black irid - all BE glass -
I brushed on super spray fired to 1350 - held 10 minutes, annealed and now brush marks all over the irid plate - all the tiles are fine although the ground off bump didn't smooth out as I hoped either, .. ??

Are the brush marks on the irid because I didn't go high enough in temp? Can I just refire higher and will it go away or reapply? Any advise would help ! ' ](*,)

Thanks -

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 2:11 pm
by Cynthia
You need to take it hotter to mature SuperSpray, regardless of what the bottle says. :-s

You can use SuperSpray over irids. It must be applied evenly and taken to full fuse temps to mature fully though. It will alter the appearance of the irid since you have in effect capped it with a thin layer of transparent glass (you may or may not like the test first)...but if it's applied with an airbrush and taken to maturing temps of at least 1450, then you will not see any hazing or marks.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 6:20 pm
by Lauralei
Thanks Cynthia ! I'll try it again!