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I need to holler with relief

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:09 pm
by Val Eibner
I finally made the mighty choice for my new kiln and it is a clamshell. I feel like an expecting Mom. I getting it early May and will be floating with happiness. Sounds totally silly but I have been in the art biz for 33 years doing so many different pieces in clay and other materials and at last glass which I was introduced in the mid '70s has found me again. I must thank all you very informative and giving people ...all the threads that I read in the last month to learn about the pros and cons of glass kilns. I have built a few large gas kilns and electric ones in the past and I do appreciated the knowledge that goes into doing this work and sharing with others. I might just get a bit pissed tonight and celebrate.
I will be attending some classes next year when the funds allow. And meet some of you crazed and obsessed people.
Yippeeeeee Val

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:47 pm
by Cher
woo hoo! 8)

Re: I need to holler with relief

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:13 am
by Linda Reed
Val Eibner wrote:I finally made the mighty choice for my new kiln and it is a clamshell. I feel like an expecting Mom. l
Congrats, mom-to-be... :lol: It may not be as long as a normal gestation, but I'm sure you will be more than anxiously awaiting your new arrival!