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When you full fuse but meant to just slump....

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 10:37 pm
by katesaunders
I recently accidentally full fused a whole load of little plates and bowls I meant to only slump. And I mean full fuse--1440 degrees held for 20 minutes. I knew immediately when I opened the kiln because the pieces looked shrunken and upon picking them up I discovered that they were about a third smaller then they'd been plus the glass was very thick (where the glass had melted down and pooled up). But what amazed me was the fact that the designs (done in mica and frit) hadn't stretched at all, they'd just gotten smaller. There was a very cool looking frosted rim too. Actually, I kinda like the pieces, although I wouldn't have nerve to try to sell them because they are obviously flawed. I don't have any questions, I've learned my lesson, but I just thought that others might be interested in what happened. PLUS, I thought my molds would be damaged, but they're fine (BE molds). I may fool around with this a bit. :shock: