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BIG Pattern Bar Schedule Please

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 3:19 pm
by Anea
Hello everyone:
I am interested in making a large pattern bar today and was hoping to get a little help with the firing schedule. I can only seem to locate schedules for smaller bars in my notes. I want to do a pattern bar that is about 10" x12" and about 1" or 1 1/2" thick. I have a Jen Ken 24 with a digital controller (4 ramps only). I was thing something like AFAP to 1500 hold 30 minutes, AFAP to 960 hold ____? 100 dph set 750 hold____? and then the final cool down is a total loss to me. 50 dph? Please help fill in the blanks and do let me know if the schedule is way off. Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.

Also do you know if transparent colors will bleed into each other? I was thinking of using a bunch of different green glass that I have, but most is transparent, will it just melt together or will they stay separate? I was thinking that I could maybe put some opaque in between to keep them separate or even some clear.

Thanks again,

Anea :D

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:10 pm
by Lisa Allen
Hey Anea-

My schedule for a big slab 12"x10"x1" is

500dph to 1500, hold 30min
afap to 960, hold 3hrs
60dph to 700, no hold
kiln off to cool on its own to room temp

Ive done about 10 of these with this schedule and it has worked fine. The set up starts out being about an inch and 3/4 high and shrinks to 1".

The transparents should be fine together. There is some smooshing around (technical term:lol:), but the colors stay distinct. if they are very close in their shade, they might look as if they have bled together though. So, maybe make sure to stack darker greens between the lighter.

Hope this helps.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 11:50 am
by Anea
Thanks Lisa. The schedule worked great and my first big slab turned out wonderful...boy they aure our heavy though!! The piece looks great and the greens turned out nice together.

Thanks again...
Anea :D